I so enjoyed my chat with Doris Swift on her award-winning podcast, Fierce Calling! My episode entitled, Listening to God's Direction, will encourage you on your personal path of writing or whatever promise God is calling you to! In today’s episode, Listening for God’s Direction, I’m talking with my friend Alisa Hope Wagner. Alisa is a wife, mom, and … [Read more...] about Fierce Calling Podcast with Doris Swift and Alisa Hope Wagner
Transforming Power of Christ
Your emotions are rooted to your thoughts. If you feel stressed, worried, confused, angry, conflicted or any other negative emotion, it is because your thoughts are not submitted to Christ (2 Corinthians 10.5 NIV). Christ broke His body and poured His blood, so He could give you what you need each and every day. Do you need peace? Christ has it for you. Do you need … [Read more...] about Transforming Power of Christ
Jesus is the Only Way
"Jesus would not have had to die on the Cross if another salvation plan could have been achieved." -- alisa hope wagner Why is Jesus the only way to God? Can't we be good enough, nice enough, wise enough or spiritual enough to get to God on our own? In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were in the presence of God. They were perfect in every way because they had not yet … [Read more...] about Jesus is the Only Way
Belief Over Reality
"Will I still believe as I did so many years ago even though everything in my life says God's promise is a lie?" - alisa hope wagner: Imperfect Vessels: Faith Writings Volume 1 God loves to give us promises. He designed us with gifts and talents and passions that are suited for these promises. Sometimes, our life experiences may try to tell us … [Read more...] about Belief Over Reality
Life of Purpose
God gives each of us promises that are attached to two things. First, those promises are attached to our one-of-a-kind design. God has created us uniquely with strengths and weaknesses that enable us to achieve the great things He has in store for us. Second, those promises are attached to the throne of God. As we chase our God-given promises, God is able to mold us … [Read more...] about Life of Purpose
Sabbath of Christ
Don't let your mistakes stop you. The Bible says we will be judged when we get to heaven. This judgment won't be to condemn us; rather, it will be to reward us. Because of Jesus and His Finished Work on the Cross, if we have accepted Him as our Lord and Savior, our sins have been washed absolutely clean (Romans 14.12). We can't be judged by what doesn't exist (1 John … [Read more...] about Sabbath of Christ
Two Trees
"The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil" (Genesis 2.9 NIV). The Garden of Eden represents the presence of God and heaven. Adam and Eve lived protected in the Garden of God with everything they needed … [Read more...] about Two Trees
No Hopeless Endings
Our limited imagination is probably our biggest hindrance to us achieving God's best. This limited imagination is fueled by a mistrust of God and an ignorance of His love, provision and endless passion for us. We can't imagine the plethora of outcomes to our current situation, so we allow hopelessness or our self-will to take control. Then we push an agenda that is … [Read more...] about No Hopeless Endings