Six years ago, my book Following God onto the Stage: A 40-Day Devotional was released. In it, I share about how in 2015 (eight years ago!) I followed God in a challenge to push myself physically, as I readied for my first bodybuilding competition! Since then, I’ve competed 3 more times. And each time, I noticed that stretching and growing in one area of my life automatically helps me to stretch and grow in OTHER areas of my life. Not only do I grow physically stronger during those months of physical training, but I also grow mentally, emotionally and spiritually stronger!
Today I’m getting ready for two more competitions (my 5th and 6th) over the next few weeks!
It is daunting, as I am facing the same challenges as before. Added to that, I am eight years older–my metabolism isn’t the same and my body doesn’t heal as quickly! This week is Peak Week, which is very difficult–food, water and sodium intake all come down to a science that can help you place or win the competition. It leaves me feeling tired and hungry, but the light at the end of the tunnel keeps me motivated.
So as I hold fast to God’s promise that I will “prosper in all things,” I desire that each detail of my life will be submitted to the Lord, so that He can prosper every aspect with His goodness, grace and mercy. For I long to be fully mature in Christ when someday I leave this Earth and enter into Heaven for eternity.
“Beloved I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health just as your soul prospers” (3 John 1:2 NKJV).
Competing in a bodybuilding competition is just one of many ways we can achieve victory by digging into the strength of God. There is no win without the struggle. There is no change without the fight. Many of us feel like our lives are stagnating because we haven’t taken a risk in a while. That risk doesn’t have to be physical. We can start a new adventure with the Lord’s help. We simply need to ask Him which direction He is leading us, so He can establish our steps of victory.
“The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps” (Proverbs 16:9 ESV).
We can take a class, read a book, form a new habit, begin a new hobby, start a new venture, etc. The opportunities surrounding us are boundless, and we have the unlimited supply of God’s strength to empower us. There is nothing we can’t achieve if God wills it. When God gives us His yes, it’s not about if we can; rather, it’s about how we can. So try something new with the Lord today, and watch as your life expands and prospers in all areas!
“For no matter how many promises God has made, they are ‘YES’ in Christ. And so through Him the ‘Amen’ is spoken by us to the glory of God” (2 Corinthians 1:20 NIV).
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