Tenacious faith means that no matter what negative news or situation that comes your way, you will continue to hang onto hope despite all odds.
The Gentile Woman’s story found in Matthew 15.21-28 (NLT) illustrates this unwavering faith. The woman’s daughter had been torturously demonized, and she would not give up hope that Jesus would heal her — even when He said He would not: “I was sent only to help God’s lost sheep—the people of Israel…It isn’t right to take food from the children and throw it to the dogs.”
Despite Jesus’ negative reply, the woman worshipped and pleaded with Him. Finally, she fought for her daughter’s healing with her own conclusion of faith: “That’s true, Lord, but even dogs are allowed to eat the scraps that fall beneath their masters’ table.”
And what was Jesus’ reply to this woman’s statement of faith: “Your faith is great. Your request is granted.”
From this reaction, we can devise five steps of faith to present your case of breakthrough to the Lord.
1) Go to Jesus first and present Him with your difficulty with worship and prayer.
2) Don’t give up even when at first you don’t receive a positive outcome.
3) Despite the negative feedback that presents itself, believe that Jesus is good and can be moved by your words.
4) Do not get offended but keep your heart humble.
5) Present your case in creative ways and believe by faith Jesus will respond with favor.
“Dear Jesus, I know that You can do the impossible. I know You are good and that You love me so much. I am believing for a miracle of faith today. I’m believing for a breakthrough of good in my situation because all things come together for good to those who love You (Romans 8.28). I love You, Lord. I desire to see Your miraculous miracles flow by the power of Your Blood and the Holy Spirit. Thank You, Jesus, for saving me. Thank You for saving this situations. I pray this in Your name, amen.”
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