Why Jesus – Day 21
Today’s Devotional
What we have today that all the prophets longed to have is to have Sabbath Rest through Jesus Christ. In the Old Testament, they had Sabbath one day a week, where they got to rest from all their work. But because of Jesus and His spilled blood on the cross, we have been reconciled back to God and we no longer have to strive in our human effort to be holy or perfect.
We live in a time of supernatural Sabbath Rest that is every day, not just one day a week. Because of Jesus’ Finished Work on the Cross, we no longer have to constantly strive in our human effort to be holy. We are holy in God’s eyes by faith and His extended grace to us!
We are holy in God’s eyes and out of our love for Jesus and what He did for us, we try to live our lives to please Him. So we literally live in the time of Sabbath, which means rest. We live in a place where we can trust that Jesus has done all the work–that we can have a relationship with God. We can love God despite our flaws, despite our mistakes and despite our sin. Through repentance, grace and God’s mercy extended to us, we can continue to have that relationship with God.
“For truly, I say to you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.” Matthew 13:17 ESV
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