I finally made it to the Realm Makers Writers Conference in St. Louis. This is a conference for speculative writers of faith. I was able to take several amazing classes to enhance my writing and publishing knowledge and skill. Lisa Magnum from Shadow Mountain Publishing taught me “How to Write an Ending that Doesn’t Suck.” I took a Scrivener workshop with Amy Williams from Crosshair Press. And I learned about marketing with Janeen Ippolito from Uncommon Universes Press.
I also pitched my next book, the F’lorna of Rodesh (the first book of my Violet Moon Series), to some amazing editors and publishers. This conference blessed me greatly because the directors, faculty, volunteers and attendees were just so awesome. I was honored to meet a lot of extraordinary writers in my chosen fiction genre, including Kathy Tyers, Tosca Lee, Edie Melson, Morgan Busse, Steve Rzasa, Kerry Nietz and a ton more talented writers!
The hotel and venue were excellent, and I very much enjoyed eating dinner and lunch with the faculty. The Realm Makers Awards Banquet with cosplay attire was the highlight of the week. I came as Daphne Blake, which fit into the speculative fiction genre nicely with an 80s flair! I loved how God’s imagination inspired this group of writers with individuality, creativity and faith! I had several people pray over me and encourage me, and I only hope that I could be a blessing too.
All in all, this was a wonderful conference for new and seasoned writers to network, learn and relish the company of other weird, crazy and endearing authors! The conference ended with a book festival opened to the public and a nerf gun war (which, sadly, I missed because I had to pack). I would like to thank the directors, Scott and Becky Minor, for working hard to fulfill the vision that God placed in them. I am also grateful to Ralene Burke for being an amazing coordinator!
The 2018 Realm Makers Conference rocked! Realmies unite!
Here I am about to enter the banquet hall as Daphne Blake for the Realm Makers Award Banquet. Sadly, my only photo with Kathy Tyers is with me in my cosplay outfit. Hopefully, next year I’ll get a photo with her in regular clothes.

Here I am meeting Kerry Nietz (author of Amish Vampires in Space). I’m also wearing the t-shirt of his book, Fraught. I reviewed his debut novel, A Star Curiously Singing, which is awesome. Here is my Book Review.
Morgan Busse (author of Follower of the Word) and Edie Melson (author of Maiden of Iron).
And here I am with Steve Rzasa (an ACFW Carol Award winner for Speculative fiction). And I was honored to attend a class by Tosca Lee (a New York Time’s besting selling author). She really encouraged me on the lifelong process of writing and being an author.
Finally, I got to meet my wonderful friends, Jeff and Estella, and their kids. They attended our church home team a long time ago before the military moved them. They honored me by coming out to the book festival and not only buying my books but supporting other authors, as well.
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