Our limited imagination is probably our biggest hindrance to us achieving God’s best. This limited imagination is fueled by a mistrust of God and an ignorance of His love, provision and endless passion for us.
We can’t imagine the plethora of outcomes to our current situation, so we allow hopelessness or our self-will to take control. Then we push an agenda that is WAY below what our Father would want for us. If we trusted, we would wait. If we imagined, we would believe in something more.
We can’t live what we can’t envision, which is why people get stuck in how they were raised and the environment for which they have already created. The only way out of being stuck is to imagine new, better outcomes. There are two ways to do this.
First, listen to the Holy Spirit. Through the Finished Work on the Cross, you literally have God’s Spirit within you. Because Emmanual, God in the Flesh, gave you His perfection while taking your imperfection, you can have God’s counsel and direction each day. He will guide you on righteous paths, but much like learning to read, you have to learn to hear Him and obey.
Second, consume other voices. There are people out there who have overcome their given reality to achieve something divine. Read and listen to these people, so they may feed your imagination of the impossible. You can’t know what you don’t know, so reading other perspectives will break you free from your own limitations. Your path won’t be their exact paths, but at least you will see a fraction of the possible outcomes available to you.
But remember, God’s outcomes are infinite. He is not limited to space or time. He is all-powerful and supernatural, and He can touch the confines of this earth anyway He sees fit. Believe that we serve a God who does miracles. Believe in a God who can achieve the impossible. There are NO hopeless endings with God. We just have to imagine, trust and believe.
Be blessed, Loved Ones.
Listen to Podcast for this meditation.
You can purchase Alisa’s book, Slay the Day: Your Daily Dose of Victory, and her other books on Amazon.
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