Today, I would like to share my current quiet time with you as a blueprint from which you can develop your own quiet time routine. Much like lifting weights in a gym, it can become overwhelming at first when you’ve never used the machines or picked up a dumbbell. The best way to learn is to follow the routines of others who are capable and knowledgeable of the weights and exercises. Finally, once you feel confident and comfortable with the gym equipment, you will begin to create your own routine that fits your needs, your desires and your season. This routine may last a lifetime or you will create new ones as you come to know God and His Word more intimately. All the promises in the Bible are potentially ours; however, we must know them to claim them. So as your faith and intimacy with the Lord and His Word grow, you will have more and more promises to claim daily that can be applied to your current situation, need and hope.
So let me begin.
First, I unleash the 7 spirits found in Isaiah 11.2-3
- The Spirit of the Lord
- The Spirit of Wisdom
- The Spirit of Understanding
- The Spirit of Counsel
- The Spirit of Strength
- The Spirit of Knowledge
- The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord
The fear of the Lord is so precious because I know it will encourage me to listen to God’s voice which is filled with love, compassion, forgiveness, value and acceptance. And the evil voices of the enemy will fade away. I want to claim wisdom, understanding, counsel, strength and knowledge, so I can be wise and discern the enemy’s tactics on my life and overcome any ploys to distract or demolish me.
Holy Spirit, I recognize and welcome You into my heart, home and surroundings. I know Your presence is already in me, but I want to align my mind and heart with the knowledge that You are all around me producing Your fruit in me and in my life, including Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). Like water, I don’t want You to simply be in my, Holy Spirit. I want to jump into Your presence as I would jump into the ocean.
Now, I want to put on the Armor of God that is rightfully mine as a child of the King of Kings (Ephesians 6:10-18). I put on the Helmet of Salvation. My mind is renewed in God. I give You my regrets, mistakes and negative thoughts because I know they are not from You. Instead, I fill my mind with the holiness You have given me through Jesus Christ. Today is a new day and I will rejoice in it (Psalm 118.24). My mind has been washed clean by the blood of Jesus, and I will think on all the blessings You have given me. Holy Spirit, rewire my brain with its thoughts and imaginings to mirror the Mind of Christ.
Next, I put on the Belt of Truth. I am a child of God. I know that the enemy has been crushed via the cross, and I have the victory. I have nothing to fear because the truth of the Cross sets me free from condemnation, anxiety, shame and the evil lies of the enemy. I will walk in boldness because I am loved, cherished and accepted by my Creator. I know I can do all things through Christ Who gives me strength (Philippians 4.13).
Then, I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness. I am the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ (Romans 3.22-24). The enemy can have no accusations against me because I literally wear the glory of God through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. All of heaven and earth see me as holy and righteous. I repent of anything I did outside of Your will, God, and I am fully forgiven. Every lie the devil throws at me will fall back on him because he is accusing a righteous person, not because I am good enough but because Jesus gave me His righteousness freely by grace and I accepted it freely by faith.
Now it’s time to put on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. Jesus fought the enemy on my behalf and won. I can be at peace in all circumstances and with all people because my God will fight for me and avenge me. And the enemy of my soul has already been defeated by the power of the cross. I don’t have to carry the burden of proving myself. I can rest humbly with my God in peace. And if He does call me to action, my inner peace will not wain because God is always with me and making a way for me, and I trust that all things will come together for good for those who love and trust Him (Romans 8.28).
And Next, I take up my Shield of Faith. Every arrow of attack from the enemy transforms to flowers at my feet. I will not fear; rather, I will gain territory by pushing evil thoughts, feelings and attacks aside with my shield of belief that God’s promises are unbreakable. I gain ground for Christ because my faith leads the way. I will not let the contradictory circumstances around me cause me to let go of my shield. I will hold it with boldness and make my way forward until every blessing from God is mine to share with others.
Finally, I wield my one offensive weapon, The Sword of the Spirit, which is the voice of the Holy Spirit in my life and the living power of His Word in my heart and mind. I learn to use this sword by listening to God’s still, soft voice and reading His Written Word. The more I listen and read, the more accurate and formidable I’ll be with destroying strongholds in my life and in the lives of others, so that we can live in our God-ordained victory. I will run my race well because every obstacle in my way will be chopped away with my Sword of the Spirit.
Aren’t those powerful truths to declare each day? However, there are more. I will discuss the other half of my quiet time on my next podcast. You can find all of this truth-filled information and more in my book, Reframing: 40 Days to Reframe & Refresh Your Life, which can be found on Amazon.
And like always. Be blessed.
Listen to the Podcast for this meditation.
This meditation is based on an article in my book, Reframing: 40 Days to Reframe and Refresh Your Life.
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