Why Jesus – Day 22
Today’s Devotional
Humans are very insecure in their holiness in Jesus Christ because it is undeserved. We feel like sometimes we have to earn it or perform in order to be holy in God’s eyes. But really, we are holy and righteous by Faith alone in Jesus Christ through His work on the cross. A lot of times, people or your own heart will put rules on you. Is this human condemnation or is it a God correction?
As Christians, we must learn to differentiate between a God correction and a human condemnation. Don’t let people steal the freedom you have in Christ. The Holy Spirit will guide you in all righteousness.
Jesus came to free us and not to condemn us. Is my own heart shaming me or is the Holy Spirit convicting me? What is the struggle with–is this coming from what the Truth of Scripture says or is it someone else trying to put their own self-righteousness on top of you. Be careful when you hear rules–are they from God or are they from man?
“‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’” Matthew 15:8-9 ESV
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