Fearlessly Fit Series
Fearlessly Fit: A 6-Week Fitness, Food & Faith Bible Study
About This Book:
With our weight out of control and health issues rising, it is hard to know how to begin creating healthy changes in our life. However, in her breakthrough book and 6-week Bible study, Alisa Hope Wagner will empower and encourage us on an experience of a health transformation! With the basic elements of fitness, food and faith, we can finally be Fearlessly Fit because we have been fearfully made by God!
2020 IAN Book of the Year Award-winning finalist for Health/Medicine
2020 Distinguished Favorites NYC Big Book Award in Health/Fitness
About This Book:
If you want to get fit without the hassle, this exercise program is for you! Fearlessly Fit at Home combines Cardio Calisthenics and Dumbbell Weightlifting exercises to get you fit in a minimal amount of time and at the convenience of your own home. Included in this guide are more than 65 simple exercises that will burn off fat and build muscle. No more excuses. It’s time to get into the best shape of your life and feel great while doing it!
Page Turner 2022 Book Award Finalist.