Why Jesus – Day 27
Today’s Devotional
In Matthew 1:17, the genealogy of Jesus is listed out. The number seven means completion, and here we see 14 generations. God worked six days and on the seventh, He rested, because He knew Jesus Christ is the Lord over the Sabbath. And He knew that Jesus would reconcile all six days back to God.
Three sets of 14 generations to Jesus’ birth. Seven is completion through the Finished Work of Jesus, and we have an EMPHATIC double portion of Jesus’ Finished work!
With the number 7, it is a number representing completion. So, with 14, it is a double portion of that completion from God. Then when you see 14 generations listed out 3 times. Three represents emphasis. So, not only do you have double portion of Jesus’ finished work, but it is also repeated three times before Jesus finally comes.
This is exciting news for us! Jesus once and for all FINISHED the work of God! God worked six days; Jesus was the Lord of the Sabbath, bringing all six days back to God. And Jesus died to reconcile all the Earth back to God. So, we live in a place through Jesus Christ, where we have God on Earth and God in us. GOOD NEWS, INDEED!!!
“So all the generations from Abraham to David were fourteen generations, and from David to the deportation to Babylon fourteen generations, and from the deportation to Babylon to the Christ fourteen generations.” Matthew 1:17 ESV
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