Following God Series
About This Book:
Can a Christian writer become a Mixed Martial Arts fighter in only 2 months? Find out as you train with Alisa Hope Wagner during her 40-day devotional journey about following God into the cage!
About This Book:
Competing in a bodybuilding competition is just one of many ways we can achieve victory by digging into God’s strength. Train with Alisa Hope Wagner in her 40-day devotional journey about following God onto the stage!
About This Book:
God uses the gifts and talents that He bestows on each of us in unlikely but profound ways. Follow Alisa Hope Wagner as she writes a 40-day devotional about the nose and heart of a twin.
First Place Winner for Spiritual/Spiritualism in the 2022 Speak Up Talk Radio Firebird Book Awards.
Vessels Series
About This Book:
The saved soul connects with the Father and works out its faith in the deepest fragments of the heart, infiltrating the person with the likeness of Jesus Christ one portion at a time. This book represents a collection of faith writings (Volume I), embodying a human desire and struggle to know and love the Creator more deeply.
About This Book:
When we are broken to the Spirit of God Who dwells within us, our lives become a spring of sweet perfume of Jesus that pours onto the world. Every moment is a soft breeze flowing from our souls, carrying the scent of the Father to the people around us. This book represents a collection of Faith Writings (Volume II), expressing one person’s passion and pursuit to know and love the Creator more deeply.
About This Book:
On most days, the mother’s soul is threadbare from serving her precious family. She doesn’t complain or begrudge the honor of motherhood, but she desperately longs for words of reassurance that are bathed in Truth. This book represents a collection of faith writings (Volume III), reaching out to the mother’s emptiness with the hope, peace and comfort of the Father through His Son, Jesus.
Third Place Winner for the Enduring Light in Devotional for the 2021 Illumination Book Awards.
About This Book:
In this 40-day devotional, Alisa Hope Wagner offers simple, biblical ways to help you hang hammocks throughout your day, so you can achieve God’s rest by reframing each moment.
Second Place Winner for Spiritual/Religion Category in the 2022 CIPA EVVY Book Awards.
Second Place Winner for Audio Books Category in the 2022 PenCraft Book Awards.
About This Book:
Do you want to tap into the power of the Holy Spirit and be overwhelmed with the goodness of God? In this 50 day experience, Alisa Hope Wagner shows you how to discover Jesus, recover faith and uncover the Holy Spirit. Each of the 50 days has contemplative questions, a meditation moment and a professing prayer that will ignite a spiritual breakthrough and unleash all of heaven into your life.
Third Place Winner for Spiritual/Religion in the 2020 CIPA EVVY Book Awards.
Silver Award Winner in the Spiritual Category of the 2020 Illumination Awards.
Finalist of the 14th Annual National Indie Excellence Awards for Self-help Spiritual.
Award-Winning Finalist in the Religion: Christian Inspirational Category of the 2019 Best Book Awards sponsored by American Book Fest.
About This Book:
The Bible is our only offensive weapon to live victoriously in Jesus Christ each day (Ephesians 6.17). This daily devotional covers every book in the Old Testament and New Testament, equipping you with the biblical insights to overcome all obstacles and wield God’s authority in your life. Don’t live in defeat. Unsheathe your sword. Slay your day.
Bronze Award Winner for the Enduring Light Devotional Category of the 2020 Illumination Awards.
2020 Independent Press Award for Distinguished Favorite in the Religion: Nonfiction Category.
About This Book:
God did not create us to continually feel defeated. He does not want us worn out by human striving, frustrated with the fact that—no matter what we do—we can’t measure up. The truth is that we will never be good enough to meet God’s perfect standard on our own, but the Finished Work of Jesus Christ transforms our lives, our efforts and our relationships into pleasing offerings to God! As we enter into God’s Promised Rest, we find freedom to give God our best, knowing that He will do the rest! Once we truly understand the redemptive power of Jesus’ atoning blood unleashed on this earth, we can finally step into God’s amazing Sabbath Rest.
About This Book:
Waiting and believing in God’s promises is one of the hardest yet most rewarding aspects of faith. Read as Alisa Hope Wagner wrestles with her belief and learns to overcome her doubts by trusting in God’s Word and His promises. In this ten year compilation of both public and private faith, Alisa has combined her tweets with excerpts from her journal to show how the burden of hope can be both painful and beautiful. Journey back through time as Alisa struggles to hang onto her dreams.
“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.” – Proverbs 13.12 (NLT)
About This Book:
Simple musings from a fool made wise by God.