I am offering my short story, The Cure, as a free download to all my faithful and new subscribers! You can go to the right column of this page to “Subscribe to our Newsletter,” and the link for the free download will be emailed to you!
As a mother, when confronted with the pain and finality of life, I desperately embrace a God who has planted eternity within us. No more sorrow, no more pain and no more haunting thoughts of death. I am empowered to show my kids a life with Christ, a life established in love, peace and joy. This is the truth that I cling to as a mother. God sent His Son, Jesus, to claim victory over death for me and for my family. I could not bear a life without that hope.
“God has planted eternity in the human heart…” (Ecclesiastes 3.11).
If you would like to purchase my books, please visit my Amazon Page.

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