Now that we loosed the 7 Spirits found in Isaiah 11.2-3, we acknowledged the Holy Spirit and declared His fruit in our lives, and we put on the Armor of God; it is now time for the second part of my quiet time. I recite the Priestly Prayer over me and my family.
This prayer was given to Moses by God to speak over Aaron and his sons who were ordained as priests to the people (Numbers 3.3). Today, we are also ordained as priests by God. In 1 Peter 2.9, the writer explains this powerful truth: “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light” (NIV). Therefore, the Priestly Prayer is now our blessing through Jesus’ Finished Work on the Cross, so we should claim and speak it daily over ourselves.
Next, I “tuck” my whole self into Christ Who is at the right-hand side of God in the Heavenly Court, and my spirit is sitting with Him there in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:4-7). I do this because I have accepted salvation through Jesus’ sacrifice, my spirit has passed from death to life (John 5.24). My spirit is now holy in Christ because He took my sin and gave me His righteousness. I am now reconciled back to a Holy God.
But, I am more than simply a spirit. I am also a soul, which is composed of my mind (thoughts and imaginings), my heart (emotions and feelings) and my will (behaviors and actions). And I am also a body, which is composed of skin, organs, hormones, functions, etc. I am three parts in one: Spirit, Soul and Body.
My spirit is safe in Christ. No one can snatch our spirits out of God’s hands after we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Jesus gives us this promise: “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand” (John 10.28 NIV). However, we have to “tuck” the other two parts of ourselves — soul and body — into Christ daily, so they too are found in Christ and untouchable to the enemy’s attacks.
So I recite this “tucking” every day. I say, “Father, I know my spirit is in Christ at the right-hand side of the throne. Now I tuck my mind with its thoughts and imaginings into Christ. I tuck my heart with its feelings and emotions into Christ. I tuck my will with its behaviors and actions into Christ. And I tuck my body with its skin, organs, hormones and functions into Christ. Once I finish tucking all of me into Christ, I then declare my innocence. The enemy can have no accusations against me, and he cannot attack my mind, heart, will or body because all debts have been paid and Jesus defeated Satan. The devil has lost, and I have victory through Christ (1 Corinthians 15.57). We are untouchable in Him.”
With this knowledge, I begin to flip the script that Satan tries to write over my life. I declare all accusations turn to acclaim. All lies turn to truth. All sickness and disease turn to health. All shame turns to forgiveness. All impurity turns to purity. All lack turns to abundance. All condemnation turns to celebration. All hindrance turn to breakthrough. All harassment turns to peace. All confusion turns to a sound mind. All depression and anxiety turn to glory. All sadness turns to joy. All discouragement turns to courage. All impatience turns to patience. All fear turns to faith. All defeat turns to victory.
Whatever negative thought the enemy wants you to believe, you can flip the script to positive. Since we are in Christ, we are literally sitting in a sea of goodness. We just need to realize it, believe it, claim it and speak it; so all of heaven and earth know we are righteous and holy in Christ and every accusation against us is false. In fact, we can tell Satan, “I’m rubber. You are glue. Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks on you.” And because the devil is accusing an innocent person, he will be the one who stands accused. He has absolutely no authority or right to accuse we who are found in Christ.
And like always, be blessed.
Listen to the Podcast for this meditation.
This meditation is based on an article in my book, Reframing: 40 Days to Reframe and Refresh Your Life.
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