A familiar spirit or otherwise known as a familiar stronghold is a way of thinking that does not line up with God’s Word.
People do not recognize that their thinking is wrong because they are accustomed to it.
Mainly, they were raised with parent(s) or in an atmosphere that normalized this incorrect thinking. Therefore, their negative thoughts continue to dictate their words, decisions, actions, behaviors and relationships; and they are stuck with negative outcomes in life without understanding why.
Some familiar spirits include the spirit of poverty, the spirit of fear, the spirit of judgment, the spirit of self-criticism, the spirit of jealousy, the spirit of worry, the spirit of control, etc.
These strongholds are all counterfeits of positive promises that the Bible offers us. The enemy wants us to normalize these counterfeit thoughts to limit our access to God’s promises and prevent us from fulfilling our highest calling.
The key question is then, “If these spirits or strongholds are familiar, how can we learn to recognize them and begin the process of replacing them with God’s Truth?”
The answer is simple. Jesus says, “If you remain in My word, then you are truly My disciples. You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free” (John 8:31-32 MEV).
We must read, study and meditate on God’s Word daily to learn biblical truths and expose wrong thinking.
Then we can begin the process of transforming our minds to produce positive, God-ordained outcomes in life. As we read the Bible, we develop the habit of capturing every thought that “exalts itself against the knowledge of God” and replace each one with a truth from God’s Word (2 Corinthians 10:5 MEV).
To capture these thoughts, though, we must make reading and/or listening to our Bibles and other biblical resources a priority each day. Once we fill our minds with truth, we will begin to recognize the lies, so we can rebuke and replace them.
- For example, when our thinking turns to to fear, we can say, “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear…” (1 John 4:18)
- When our thinking turns to lack, we can say, “Jesus came to give us life and life in abundance” (John 10:10).
- When our thinking turns to judgment, we can say, “We will not judge because then we too will stand in judgment” (Matthew 7:1).
- And when our thinking turns to self-criticism, we can say, “We are the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:21).
The list goes on. There are so many biblical promises available to us if we would know them and apply them. Only then will we be able to find freedom from familiar spirits and strongholds that try to dimmish our destiny. The process is not easy, but with consistency, effort and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can renew our minds in Christ because all things are possible in Him (Romans 12:2 & Philippians 4:13).
And like always. Be blessed.
Listen to the Podcast for this meditation.
This meditation is based on an article in my book, Reframing: 40 Days to Reframe and Refresh Your Life.
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