You can have an awesome marriage simply by using your words!
Gentle words are a tree of life…” (Proverbs 15.4 NLT).
As an introverted, shy person who struggled with insecurity, I’ve had to learn to shape my marriage with words. I married my high school sweetheart, and we’ve been married for almost 20 years. Wise words, I have found, are one of the easiest and most profound ways to cultivate an awesome marriage.
Words truly have power of life and death, and many people do not know how to use their tongue to create their dream marriage. But once you realize that words literally can dictate your marital bliss, you will begin to use words to build an awesome marriage.
The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences” (Proverbs 18.21 NLT).
First, stop bad-talking yourself.
If you are unable to use words to build yourself up, it will be very difficult to build up others or your marriage. The Bible says to love others as you love yourself (Mark 12.31). So guess what? If you don’t love yourself in a healthy way, you will not love others in a healthy way. So stop speaking negatively about yourself. Read what the Bible has to say about you.
- You have been wonderfully made (Psalm 139.14).
- God loved you so much that He died for you (Romans 5.8).
- You are royalty (1 Peter 2.9).
- You have purpose (Ephesian 1.11).
There is nothing wrong with correcting yourself and learning from your mistakes, but under no circumstances should you bad-talk your body, your intelligence, your feelings and your purpose. When you bad-talk the creation, you bad talk the Creator. God is perfect and holy, and Jesus has redeemed us of all through His Work on the Cross. You are beautiful and valuable because God made you, and He doesn’t make mistakes!
*Read the rest of this article by purchasing my award-winning book, Reframing: 40 Days to Reframe & Refresh Your Life, on Amazon.
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